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The event chairman is in charge for planning all of our social events for the calendar year. Every semester, Lambda tries to have two to three socials with different fraternities so our members get to know other members with Greek Life. It is important to socialize with different fraternities each semester, so we stay connected with all the fraternities on campus. Along with socials, in the fall semester we plan a Date Party for the members in Kappa and they can bring a date. This typically is a less formal event where we either go to a fun place or have interactive games or we plan a Semi-formal. However, in the spring semester we plan a formal. This is when everyone gets dressed up and we go to a nicer venue on or off campus and have food, dancing, superlatives, and much more. It is nice to have two big events throughout the year to get all the members of Kappa together. Overall, we usually have two socials and one big event that the members of Lambda can bring a date to each semester.