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Chapter Philanthropy

The local philanthropy that we support is Kappa Kidney Camp. This camp is a week long camp for children aged 8-18 who are on kidney dialysis or who have had a kidney transplant. The children get to meet other children who are just like them and going through all of the same experiences in their lives. They get to do many activities while they’re at camp and build lasting memories with each other. The part that we like the most is when we get to go to the Wednesday of camp and meet all of the campers. We get to run around camp with the kids and build memories with them as well. It’s a very rewarding experience for our chapter to see where our philanthropic efforts go and how much our help really affects these campers lives.

In the Spring of 2017, Lambda hosted their first ever G.I.R.L.S. Academy. Our members spent a weekend at a local middle school teaching young girls respect, leadership, and other important qualities. The women of Lambda created a special bond with these women and we cannot wait to hold our second G.I.R.L.S. Academy in Spring 2019!